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Revision as of 09:04, 3 February 2023 by Preimpression (talk | contribs)
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This extension creates a separate "Awards" system for Lorekeeper based off the existing items/inventory system. Awards are stored in the "Awardcase" and also displayed on user profiles. Awards can be owned by both characters and users.

Description Adds a user "Awards" System to Lorekeeper
Author(s) user:Preimpression
Status Stable
Github extension/awards
LK Version 2.1.0
Contains a Migration

History of the Extension

Before the development of Lorekeeper Version 2.0.0 began, the Awards extension was built by User:Tgi. It had been built and separated from an existing LK site which had numerous extensions, such as stacked inventories and item entry expansion. The separation wasn't complete, and led to plentiful bugs for those users who weren't using the extensions.

User:Preimpression took it upon themself to complete the separation and rebase the extension back onto Vanilla Lorekeeper (that is, Lorekeeper V.1.0.0) to allow users who didn't have the remnant extensions to have Awards. It used the original code, which was in fact mostly a clone of extant Items code, and separated out most references to other extensions.

Upon the development of V.2.0.0, extensions began moving over onto the Develop branch on the official Lorekeeper github in preparation for the switch to V.2.0.0. At this time, User:Newt took initiative and converted the extension to the in-development version of 2.0.0.

In February of 2023, the extension absorbed Ne-wt's Award Progression mini-extension, which added achievement-like unlocks with optional rewards upon earning of an award.


Pull the branch and run the following commands in your console:

php artisan migrate - This adds the applicable database tables and columns.

php artisan update-extension-tracker - This adds the extension to your Credits page.

It is recommended that you read Tutorial: Installing Extensions for MERGING and TROUBLESHOOTING before proceeding.


config/lorekeeper/extensions.php includes two settings that can be adjusted: User_featured and character_featured. These default to 1 and show on the character and user pages that quantity of "Featured" awards.

Optional: if you'd like to change the names of your awards to something else (i.e. trophies, medals, stickers, etc) you can change the way it's listed in the following blades: resources/views/world/--> award_categories.blade.php, award_page.blade.php, awards.blade.php, index.blade.php

resources/views/user --> _sidebar.blade.php, awardcase.blade.php, profile.blade.php, award_logs.blade.php

resources/views/home --> _sidebar.blade.php, awardcase.blade.php


Awards are like items: you can make award categories, grant awards, and earn them through prompts and claims.


After pulling, you may run into a bunch of conflicts. If anything seems broken, go into your files and check for <<<<<< HEAD. Git adds these in when there's conflicts or additions to existing files, and they can cause stuff to break. Edit them manually, save, and push, and everything should work great. (To avoid this in the future, in Sourcetree, review your staged files + click on the weird code + press "unstage lines". Saves you a lot of headache.)

For any other issues, please create a ticket on the Lorekeeper discord and ping Uri#6669.user:Tgi is no longer actively providing support for this extension.

See Also

Built using code from Extensions:Stacked Inventories, Extensions:Submission Addons, and Extensions:Item Entry Expansion.