Extensions:Submissions Newest/Oldest Sorting

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Submissions Newest/Oldest Sorting
Description Adds newest/oldest sorting to the admin submissions queue
Author(s) Draginraptor
Status Stable
Github submission_new_old_sorting
LK Version Unspecified

A dropdown will be added to the admin Prompt and Claim queues that allows for sorting of the submissions by oldest/newest. Currently pending a pull request to base Lorekeeper, but it will be available here for now.


Pulling the branch into your project should be sufficient.


No configuration is required.


By default, submissions are sorted oldest first. To select the sort you want, pick from the dropdown on the queue pages and then click the 'Search' button. For the Prompt queue, a selected category will also be taken into account in the search.


There are no known issues, but you may find me in the Lorekeeper Discord server if you need help.