Extensions:Gallery Recent Submissions

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Revision as of 10:22, 25 March 2024 by Speedy (talk | contribs) (Consistency Fix)
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Show All Recent Submissions
Description View all recent gallery submissions in one go!
Author(s) Speedy
Status stable
Github SpeedyD/lorekeeper
LK Version 3.0.0 dev
Is part of LK v3.0.0's release

This extension has been merged into the v3.0.0 branch as Show All Recent Submissions.
You will not be able to download this. This wiki page is only for referencing purposes.

Adds a new page that shows all recent gallery submissions in one go. Even potentially adds a widget on the frontpage, if required!


As this extension is part of v3.0.0, you will want to perform any actions required to update properly. But there are no other installation steps otherwise.


In the config/lorekeeper/extensions.php file, find:

// Show All Recent Submissions - Speedy

Under 'show_all_recent_submissions' => you will find the following options:

'enable' => 0 If set to 1, it will enable this extension and all options below.

'links' => This section specifies which links will be visible.

'sidebar' => 1 This shows a link in the sidebar of the gallery. Set it to 0 to remove it.
'indexbutton' => 1 This shows a button on the index page of the gallery. Set it to 0 to remove it.

'section_on_front' => 0 If set to 1, it will display a recent submissions section on the front page!


It simply shows all recent gallery submissions, regardless of gallery folder. Easy to see everything new in one go!

Can even use the same search functions you would in specific folders, and it goes all the way to the oldest submission.


Create a new thread in the #general-help channel of the Discord!

You can always try tagging me (see my user page), as I'm semi-active on the server, but a new thread is your best bet.


Both images are sourced from Realm of Mynros, where the extension is already running.

Version History

  • *1: Initial creation.
  • *2: Cleanup.
  • *3: Further cleanup- turns out there was code from another extension.
  • *4: Even further cleanup- turns out there was MORE code from another extension.
  • *5: Improved the frontpage widget and added check in controller code so it won't run if not enabled!

(This extension has never had a tracker update, and never will.)

See Also