Extensions:Character Prev and Next

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Previous & Next buttons on Character pages
Description Displays previous and next buttons on character pages.
Author(s) Speedy
Status stable
Github SpeedyD/lorekeeper
LK Version 3.0.0 dev
Is part of LK v3.0.0's release

This extension has been merged into the v3.0.0 branch as Character Prev and Next.
You will not be able to download this. This wiki page is only for referencing purposes.

This extension adds previous and next buttons on character pages. It will allow you to more quickly look through character pages in order.

Additional credits to Moif for inspiration on fixing the gaps and as always, Mercury for helping with code, cleaning up, advice, etc, etc, etc. :)


As this extension is part of v3.0.0, you will want to perform any actions required to update properly. But there are no other installation steps otherwise.


In the config/lorekeeper/extensions.php file, find:

// Previous & Next buttons on Character pages - Speedy

Under 'previous_and_next_characters' => you will find the following options:

'display' => 0 If set to 1, it will display the buttons. By default, it is 0 to keep it turned off.

'reverse' => 0 This reverses the previous and next buttons. By default, it is 0 to have the higher number as previous and the lower number as next, reflecting masterlist order. Set it to 1 to reverse that to have the higher number as next and the lower number as previous.


It is simply for ease of navigation characters without having to go back to the masterlist over and over.


Create a new thread in the #general-help channel of the Discord!

You can always try tagging me (see my user page), as I'm semi-active on the server, but a new thread is your best bet.


Image is sourced from Realm of Mynros, where the extension is already running.

Version History

  • *1: Initial creation.
  • *2: Swapped it to be in extension settings rather than site settings.
  • *3: Tidied up variables.
  • *4: Added extra check for safety.
  • *5: Ensured previous and next buttons work over gaps.
  • *6: Cleanup for consistency and reversal code.
  • *7: Removed test code.

(This extension has never had a tracker update, and never will.)

See Also