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Items can be owned by users and characters and may be used in various ways. They can be edited in the admin panel by users with the Edit World Data power.


Items can be created in the admin panel. Once created, they can be distributed to users through a variety of ways. Item categories are optional, but provide categorization in the user's inventory and shop pages.

Items are primarily used as turn-ins for character design updates and/or submissions. Depending on their item tags, they may also have additional functionality.



Editing item categories and items requires the Edit World Data power.

Item categories can be created in the admin panel, with the usual category properties:

  • Name
  • World Page Image
  • Description (accepts HTML)

The image and description are displayed only on the world page. Categories are optional, but useful for sorting items. Items without a category will be placed in a "Miscellaneous" category in the inventory.

Item categories also have the following properties pertaining to character ownership of the items in them (2.0.0):

  • Can be Owned by Characters
    • Whether or not items in the category can be owned by characters/users can transfer items in this category from their inventory to their characters' inventories.
  • Character Hold Limit
    • If set/non-0, this limits the number of items of the category a character can own at one time.
  • Can be Named
    • Whether or not items in this category can be "named" when in character inventories, e.g. in the case of pets. This does not override the name of the item itself.

Additionally, categories can be sorted from the Item Categories index page. This order reflects the sorting order of categories in user inventories.


Items themselves have the following properties:

  • Name
    • The item name which is displayed on the item index and shown in user inventories.
  • World Page Image
    • Shown in the encyclopedia, and also functions as the item's thumbnail image in inventories. As with all encyclopedia images, the recommended size is 200 x 200 pixels, but can be any size.
  • Item Category
    • The category to which the item falls under, and used for organization. It is otherwise optional.
  • Description (accepts HTML)
    • A description of the item for the encyclopedia page.
  • Allow User → User Transfer
    • A setting for whether the item can be transferred to another user. This can be used to create account-bound items - items with this turned off cannot be sent to another user or added to a trade. Note that individual items can also be account-bound at the time of granting, so this setting does not have to be used if you want to create only selectively account-bound items. Note also that account-bound items created through either method cannot be transferred to characters. Likewise, if an account-bound item is granted directly to a character, it may not be transferred to its owner's inventory.

Additionally, if the extra fields from Item Entry Expansion are enabled in the extensions config file, several additional properties are added, all of which are optional:

  • Item Rarity
    • A numeric value representing the item's rarity. Rarities can be any number relative to each other, but it is recommended (especially if using the optional rarity conditions with loot tables) to have a consistent, unidirectional scale.
  • Reference Link
    • The URL of an extended reference on the item and/or it's function.
  • Item Artist
    • Either an on-site user or URL.
  • Uses
    • A brief summary of the item's use(s). Accepts HTML.
  • Original Source
    • A brief summary of the item's origin.
  • Drop Location(s)
    • Prompts from which the item may be awarded. Provides a list of (active) prompts to select from.

When these fields are enabled, items' world entries will also automatically display any shops that the item is currently stocked in. For more information, see Item Entry Expansion.

Item Tags

This is a section under the item editing form that becomes accessible after the item has been created. Item tags are special settings that affect how the item can be used from a user's inventory - what they do has to be written in the site code itself, but once coded, can be attached to any item to give them the special behaviour.

The Add a Tag button can be used to select an item tag. Duplicate item tags cannot be added to the same item. Attached item tags can be toggled on or off to allow or remove functionality without completely removing the item tag.

By default, two item tags are available:

  • Box
    • This allows you to choose a particular set of rewards from items, currencies, loot tables, and tickets for any active raffles (2.0.0).
    • When a user chooses to use the item in their inventory, the box item will be consumed and the user will receive these rewards. The process of creating this item tag can be seen in this tutorial.
  • Slot (2.0.0)
    • This allows you to set various properties for MYO slots to be created.
    • When a user chooses to use the item in their inventory, the slot item will be consumed and the user will receive a MYO slot with these properties.
    • For more information, see Extensions:MYO Item Tag.


Each user has an inventory, which is sorted by item category and further sorted by alphabetical order of item names. Items within this inventory are "stacked" (2.0.0), meaning that all copies of an item, or stacks, are collapsed down to one entry in the user's inventory. Clicking on an item brings up a menu that lists all stacks' source information (if any), accompanying notes (if any), and actions that can be performed on the item.

The Source field notes down the source of the item. This field is automatically filled out when the user receives an item through site activity e.g. through prompts/claims and functions as a record of how/why an item was received. In the case of shop purchases, this also notes who purchased the item, the shop it was purchased from, and the price.

The Notes field contains additional information about the item. This is sometimes automatically filled out - for example, purchasing an item from a shop will fill the Notes section with the date of purchase. When granting an item from the admin panel, staff can fill in this section with a custom message.

Below this section, actions that can be used are listed. Special actions from item tags are listed first, then general actions.

  • Transfer Item to Character (if the item can be transferred) (2.0.0)
    • Allows the user to transfer all or part of stack(s) to one of their characters. Only available if the item can be owned by characters.
  • Transfer Item (if the item can be transferred)
    • Allows the user to transfer all or part of stack(s) to another user.
  • Delete Item
    • Allows the users to trash all or part of stack(s) entirely.

Character Inventories (2.0.0)

Character inventories are largely similar to user inventories. The notable difference is that different actions may be used on items compared to user inventories:

  • Name Item (if the item can be "named")
    • Allows the user to assign a nametag to a stack, e.g. in the case of a pet.
  • Transfer Item (if the item can be transferred)
    • Allows the user to transfer all or part of stack(s) to the inventory of the character's owner.
  • Delete Item
    • Allows the users to trash all or part of stack(s) entirely.

For more information, see Character Items.

See Also