Extensions:Item Entry Expansion

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Item Entry Expansion
Description Provides for more robust item creation, editing, and world entry display.
Author(s) Mercury
Status Stable
Github itinerare/lorekeeper-ext-archive/item-entry-expansion
LK Version Unspecified
Contains a Migration
Is part of LK v2 (modified-main)

This extension is now incorporated into modified-main . The information here is maintained as documentation, and further support is via that branch.

This adds several fields to the item creation/editing interface, as well as the corresponding display on world item entries.

The added fields are as follows:

  • Item Rarity (Expects a numerical value)
  • Reference Link
  • Item Artist (Uses the alias/URL system as present on character images)
  • Uses (Text field, supports raw HTML but expected to be brief)
  • Original source (Where/when the item was originally made available)
  • Purchase locations (Shops where the item may be purchased. Provides a list of (active) shops to select from.)
  • Drop locations (Prompts from which the item may be awarded. Provides a list of (active) prompts to select from.)

These are all optional, and do not display on the item's entry if not filled.

It also adds a display of an item's category, if set, to the item's world entry, and raises the item name character limit to 100 (from 25).

It has since also been updated to add an additional blade for viewing an individual item's information, accessed via its ID (/world/items/{id}). This has custom meta tag information provided for it (see Tutorial: Custom Meta Tags for more information.) It is linked via the magnifying glass icon on item entries in the item DB's world page, in the inventory stack modal, in the shop stock modal, and in the admin items panel (added to each item's name in the larger table).

There is also a version which incorporates Extensions:Stacked Inventories. It also includes the ability to set a resale value (both which currency and what quantity), display that value on the item's world entry, and to sell items in user inventories for that resale value. That version can be found at item-entry-expansion-inv-stacks .


You may want to add references to some of the values added to various places around Lorekeeper, depending on your needs-- for instance, adding uses to the item descriptions in shops.


Update item entries in the admin panel as desired.


Find me in the Lorekeeper discord if you encounter any issues!


See Also