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Revision as of 17:18, 2 October 2022 by Moif (talk | contribs) (Added Images)
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Description Adds the ability to wrap items or MYO in "giftwrap" such that they can be unwrapped after.
Author(s) moif
Status Unknown Status
Github AW0005/lorekeeper-extensions/extension/giftwrap-tag
LK Version 2.0.0

This extension adds two new item tags "Giftwrap" and "Giftwrapped". The "Giftwrap" tag needs to be associated via the edit panel for it, to a "Giftwrapped" tagged item. Then when a "Giftwrap" item is used to wrap an item or myo from a user's inventory it generates the "Giftwrapped" item that was specified.


  1. Pull and deal with conflicts
  2. `php artisan optimize`


  1. Set up an item tagged "Giftwrapped" - this will be the "filled" or "wrapped" version of an item
  2. Set up an item tagged "Giftwrap" and associate the "Giftwrapped" item to it

Sell or grant the "Giftwrap" item to your users as you see fit!


See Also

Feel free to ping moif in the LK discord if you have questions!
