
From Lorekeeper Wiki
Revision as of 09:45, 20 October 2020 by Mercury (talk | contribs)
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Description Provides a space for users to upload art and writing.
Author(s) Mercury
Status Testing
Github galleries
LK Version Unspecified
Contains a Migration
Uses a Package




Basic Configuration

Adjust the added settings in the site settings admin panel. These are as follows:

  • gallery_submissions_open
  • gallery_submissions_require_approval
  • gallery_submissions_reward_currency

You may want to close gallery submissions globally while you are performing basic set up of galleries.

Create galleries in the data/galleries admin panel, adjusting settings per gallery as desired.

Currency Form Configuration

Only necessary if gallery_submissions_reward_currency is ENABLED.

This nodule will work out of the box but will not be customized to your game, so you should configure it as appropriate.

The form itself is configured in config/lorekeeper/group_currency_form.php. This config file is commented extensively in an endeavor to make it easy to customize.

The function responsible for calculating a total based on users' form input is at the top of app/Helpers/AssetHelpers. This is unfortunately more or less hard-coded; however, it is also commented extensively. Note that the fields used in this formula must be the same as the ones within the form, or it will break and/or not calculate the total properly.



See Also