Extensions:Periodic Rewards

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Periodic Rewards
Description Distribute rewards after X submissions/purchases/plays/etc
Author(s) CH3RVB
Status testing
Github extension/periodic-rewards
LK Version 2.17
Contains a Migration

Adds a plug and use "after X submission/purchase/etc" widget. Users receive the rewards according to the operator and their number of submissions/purchases/plays/etc.


php artisan migrate php artisan optimize


see "Adding Module To Other Areas"



contact me on discord or in the server, UN is supercool


See Also

Adding Module To Other Areas

This extension only supports prompts by default, but is set up to allow itself to be pretty easily plugged into other extensions, if desired.

A logging function has come ready for you in the extension already-- if you have systems that don't necessarily have logs (foraging, encounters, etc)

The wiki is being a joke, so the document will be hosted here for the time being: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BRfcxnuU0e18ys50AL09BJKtXCmL4Wfz21Ob0zdwxXE/edit?usp=sharing