Extensions:Character Backgrounds

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Revision as of 19:40, 5 January 2022 by Preimpression (talk | contribs)
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Character Backgrounds
Description Adds backgrounds behind.
Author(s) Preimpression
Status Testing
Github extension/character-backgrounds
LK Version 2.0.0

This extension adds cosmetic backgrounds in the form of item tags.


After pulling the branch and merging it in, run

php artisan optimize


php artisan update-extension-tracker



The item tag form includes two things: - The Image File - Padding for each side

All items with this tag will need an image to be uploaded. This image does not need to be a png but it is recommended that it is png, gif, or jpeg. It does not validate on file size, so you may wish to add that in yourself.

As each site's usage of this may differ, you may need to go into




to adjust anything necessary as far as html or css goes.


It is *highly recommended* to create an Item Category that is specific for Backgrounds. This category should be set to allow characters to hold only one of this category at a time, to ensure everything works as intended.

It goes without saying but character images must be transparent in order for this to function well on them. It does not actually edit any images, simply places the character's current Image atop the background with the padding applied. If there is no background image set to the tag, it will not display anything on a character's page, not even the padding.

There are no restrictions for things like species or category, but if anyone wishes to create such an option and PR it in, feel free!


I am in the Discord as Uri#6669 if you encounter any issues or have any questions!


Example of usage.
Examples of two Tsabhua from the Xiunus game atop backgrounds made with two different items.

See Also

Extensions:Character Frames