Extensions:Character Profile Custom Values

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Revision as of 18:29, 29 March 2021 by Pure09 (talk | contribs)
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Character Profile Custom Values
Description A short description
Author(s) Pure09/deep-ci
Status tested locally
Github ext-dev/custom-profile-values
LK Version Unspecified
Contains a Migration

Lets users add extra fields to their character profiles. Inspired by toyhou.se, and profile display code stolen modified from Uri's organised character features extension! :>


This extension is built on the develop branch. Make sure you are running on develop before installing.

1. Pull the extension. 2. Run php artisan migrate 3. Run php artisan update-extension-tracker


If you want to alter how this extension appears, you can edit the code directly in the character profile.blade.php


Example of edit profile with custom values installed

If values share a group, they will be categorized into the same card. Groups and titles are optional. Values can use HTML.

Example of a profile using custom values.


May cause conflict with any extensions that alter editing character profiles. Make sure updateCharacterProfile() in Characters/CharacterController.php contains 'custom_values_group', 'custom_values_name', 'custom_values_data',.

Example: if($service->updateCharacterProfile($request->only(['name', 'link', 'custom_values_group', 'custom_values_name', 'custom_values_data', 'text', 'is_gift_art_allowed', 'is_gift_writing_allowed', 'is_trading', 'alert_user']), $this->character, Auth::user(), !$isOwner)) {

Ping @Pure09 on the lorekeeper discord if you need assistance.

See Also